Executive Team

Lee Gray
NLE and CEO Shires MAT
The CEO/Principal provides strategic development of the Trust working closely with stakeholders and partners (Trustees/Governors, local authorities, Teaching School Hubs, the Regional Schools Commissioner/DfE and the Trust Leadership Team) to maintain a high quality provision, whilst also promoting growth and stability within the MAT.
The Trust leadership team (Central leadership and Headteachers) meet regularly and there is a clear focus on school development and improving outcomes and experiences for all our pupils. The CEO is also a National Leader of Education and is actively involved in supporting schools regionally.
Growing curriculum links between schools. This includes opportunities for moderation and sharing curriculum expertise. Some staff work across sites to help provide specialist teaching for pupils and pupils have regular opportunities to experience different school settings (for example, KS2 pupils experiencing learning in secondary school practical subjects). This work is driven by a collaborative approach as all schools retain autonomy of curriculum offer, but where it makes sense to align or share practice, we do so.

Katharine Sanders
Chief Finance Officer

Kirsty Anthony
Chief Operations Officer
Kirsty joined Webheath Academy Primary School in 2018 as School Business Manager. Prior to this she had over 14 years of experience in business and operations working in the Steel and Hotel industries.
In early 2022 Kirsty also took over as Senior Business Manager at Ridgeway Secondary School, managing the two schools together.
Kirsty is responsible for operations across the Trust including the strategic leadership, management, and development of efficient services to the Shires MAT. Kirsty oversees all operational functions of the Trust, line managing business and HR leads across schools, and ensures compliance and consistency across the Trust is linked to all operations areas, including premises and grounds, Health and Safety, compliance, IT, Catering, Supplier Management, Procurement, Purchasing, Bids and Grants, Data Management, Risk and Compliance and Estates Development. Kirsty also has the lead on the development and implementation of Trust policy in all business management areas.

Donna Hodgson
Deputy Head, North Bromsgrove High School

Anna Ingram
Curriculum Secondary

Amy Page
Curriculum Secondary

Rachel McGhie
Curriculum Secondary

Richard Eost
Headteacher - Studley High School
Richard has BA (Hons) in Physical Education (QTS) from University College Chichester. He started his career at Eggar's School in Alton Hampshire. He moved from Eggar's in 2012 to become an Assistant Headteacher at Studley High School. He then took on the role of Deputy Head in 2016 and became Headteacher in 2019.

Jeannette Little
Curriculum Primary

Tanya Howarth
Trust SEND lead supports delivery and development of SEND practices across the Trust. This includes annual audits/training and development, as well as collaborative meetings and planning for SENDCos.

Jack Worton
Safeguarding Lead
Our Trust safeguarding and attendance lead supports delivery of effective safeguarding across the Trust. This is supported through a safeguarding audit and action plan, comprehensive training for staff and governors and dedicated support and development. There are also regular DSL collaborative meetings linked to both development and training. Similarly, attendance leads meet regularly and collaborate in maintaining and further improving on already excellent attendance across the Trust.

Michelle Dudley
IT Lead
Michelle has a BA (Hons) in Business Management with Marketing from the University of Derby. She completed her PGCE at Newman University in 2007. Prior to moving to Studley High School in 2014 she was Head of Department at St Benedict's Catholic High School and has a combined total of 15 years secondary teaching experience and over 13 years experience of subject leadership.

Matt Ball
Headteacher, Ridgway Secondary School
Matt joined Ridgeway Secondary School in 2019 as a Deputy Headteacher and then went on to become interim Headteacher. In July 2022, he was appointed as Headteacher, where he has driven and overseen a number of key improvements in the school. Matt brings a sharp professionalism to the school and is keen to consistently improve curriculum offering, teaching and learning and student behaviour.

Richard Eost
Headteacher - Studley High School
Richard has BA (Hons) in Physical Education (QTS) from University College Chichester. He started his career at Eggar's School in Alton Hampshire. He moved from Eggar's in 2012 to become an Assistant Headteacher at Studley High School. He then took on the role of Deputy Head in 2016 and became Headteacher in 2019.

Nick Gibson
Headteacher - North Bromsgrove High School
Nick is the proud Headteacher at North Bromgsrove High School having joined in September 2018. He studied Industrial Design and Technology at Loughborough University and went on to complete his PGCE, and later, pursued a post-graduate in Educational Leadership at Leicester University.
He started his teaching career in 1998 in London and since then has worked across a range of schools in both the independent and state sectors to gain essential leadership experience and teaching across a range of contexts. Before joining North Bromsgrove Nick was the Headteacher of an Ofsted rated ‘Outstanding’ school and later he, as the CEO, launched a Multi-Academy Trust of five schools across the primary and secondary phases.
Nick is committed to ensuring North Bromsgrove enriches the Shires MAT offer, and is passionate about providing an education which, through exciting high-quality teaching and offering an exceptional level of pastoral care and enrichment, every student has the opportunity to flourish. He subscribes to the school motto ‘Studies Determine Character’ and takes pride in witnessing students work alongside staff in developing the necessary skills, knowledge and confidence to achieve their goals and aspirations as they go on to make a positive contribution to global society.

Jeannette Little
Curriculum Primary

Debbie Yarnold
Headteacher - Astwood Bank Primary School
Central Team

Susanna Cookes
Senior Administrator
Susanna is based in the central office in the newly appointed role of Senior Administrator. Her dynamic role overall supports the Trust Senior Leadership Team with their duties where needed including, producing reports, managing the central office site in regards to compliance, policies, maintaining records, HR duties, training and development overview and working alongside Trust lead for website management. While also supporting the Chief Operations Officer with trust contracts, staff well-being, risk registers and the business continuity plan.
Susanna has had experience in HR administrative roles previously as well as working as the Area Manager for a local estate agent for 10 years. Her transferable skills gained from prior experience in other industries brings a unique and versatile approach to the administrative support for the Trust.

Anna Owen
Finance Manager

Sarah Hawkes
Finance Assistant
Sarah joined Webheath Academy Primary School in 2012 as a Teaching Assistant, in which she holds a Level 3 Qualification. In 2018 she moved to a Finance Assistant role at the school, and in 2020 when the Shires Multi Academy Trust formed she became part of the Central Finance Team.
Sarah has over 20 year’s experience in finance and is a qualified bookkeeper. She holds her Level 2 AAT, and her Level 3 AAT Advanced Diploma Accounting.

Sam Billingsley
Finance Assistant
Sam holds an AAT Level 2 qualification and has over 10 years previous experience working in a variety of finance roles within the legal, automotive and beverage industries.

Roxy Jordan
Marketing & Design Manager
Roxy qualified as a teacher in 1994, with a B.Ed (Hons) in Art & Design. She has worked in the education field for over 26 years, supporting the set up and running of a SCITT in Solihull and then moving on to support and manage the Shires Teaching School and ITT.
Roxy joined Studley High School in 2016 to support the Teaching School with ITT recruitment, marketing and PR as well as promoting Studley High School and managing many digital and creative aspects for the school.
After the formation of the MAT, she also now manages marketing and design, social media and online presence for schools in the Trust and oversees all website content and design across the schools.

Franco Fiumefreddo
Site Operative